Maybe all you need is a one page business card website….

pssssssst........hey you.....

Want a cheap business website that still looks good?

How does $199 sound?

So what would a cheap business website look like?

Cheap business website? Really? Of course, we can build you a fully functional business website but it will start at $2000 for a fully developed multipage Google ready for prime time kind of site. And we are fully aware you can find people to do it cheaper. But publishing a not ready for prime time website with poor SEO treatment will be a complete waste of money.  As a result, it can even hurt you down the road when it’s completely ignored by Google or worse, penalized. Also, be aware there are a lot of pretenders out there who will tell you it will be SEO-ready but don’t even know what it means let alone be qualified enough to know how to do it. Don’t fall for this “We’ll get you first on Google” story. You can get there (and we can help) but it’s a process… not something that happens overnight.

However, many smaller service businesses and entrepreneurs only need a cheaper one-page business card-style website like the example below ( The cost would be $199 which includes, SEO Meta tags, SSL security plus ONE YEAR FREE HOSTING. After that, assuming you want to keep the website going, it would be $120 per year website hosting fee (which is only $10 per month). If you decide to not want the website, then no extra charge. We’ll even help you pick a domain name if you don’t already have one. Doesn’t that sound like a pretty sweet deal? A one-page website can be a great way to establish an online presence without breaking the bank. Plus, the bonus of SEO and one year of free hosting should make the decision easy for you. This is a limited-time offer so what are you waiting for? Let us build you a cheap business website today. Let’s do this!!

Cheap Business Website example
Cheap Business Website example

From the Maritimes?  Ask about the Canadian Digital Adoption Program and get a full business website for FREE.  (eCommerce sites may be slightly more than the grant of $2400) If you already have a website get an upgrade or SEO work done to stand out from the competition. Click here for details.  

Contact Us

Ready to get your cheap business website? Or do you have something else in mind? Just tell us briefly what it is you want to do....even if it's just to chat to get some help figuring it out.....If you like, we can then set up a time to chat on the phone. Don't worry about a high pressure sales job.....we simply don't do that. It has to be a good fit for both of us to move forward with this.
